Giving Hope Today
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Congregational Life

Join us as we learn and grow together


The Salvation Army Saskatoon Temple offers a blend of contemporary and traditional worship. We invite you to come and worship with us.

Sunday Worship

Join us for worship every Sunday at 11:00am. All are welcome!

Services are also livestreamed on our Facebook page.

Watch our Live Stream

Services can also be found on our YouTube Channel found below:



Wednesdays 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Family Dinner at 6:00 pm

Age appropriate Bible Study Groups 7:00 pm

Children under 6 must be supervised by a parent/guardian

“Beautiful KAYOS”

is how program coordinator Vienna Sawatzky describes it

but that’s not a bad thing.

In fact, the program’s inherent flexibility is one of its greatest strengths.

With a Bible lesson, craft and games included in the evening program,

you can count on making some “beautiful Kayos”!

Brass Band Practice

Junior Band - Tuesday 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm

Adult Band - Tuesday 6:45 pm - 8:15pm

The Salvation Army Saskatoon Temple is home to a brass band that meets regularly for practice and fellowship. The brass band is for anyone and everyone who wants to get together and make music.

For more information on joining the band email us here.

Bible Study

7:00pm | Wednesday Evenings

Join us as we explore scripture, dive deep into the teachings of the Bible and get to know one another. Bible Study is for anyone wanting to explore scripture on a deeper level.

Please contact us for Bible Study dates email us here

Floor Hockey

Every Other Wednesday Evening

Our Floor Hockey team is the best in Saskatoon…just kidding. If you’re looking for a fun evening, with little pressure, look no further! Floor Hockey is for anyone and everyone looking to meet new people, get active and have fun.

To get involved with our Floor Hockey Team email us here .


For more information on any of the above programs or worship services, please give us a call at (306) 477-2363