Crossroads Residential Services
Phone: (306) 244-6280 / (306) 242-6833
339 Avenue C South, Saskatoon, SK - S7M 1N5
As it has since its construction in 1952, today's Crossroads continues to be a place of refuge. It now houses a Men’s Emergency Shelter facility, Food Services and an Emergency After-Hours Program (more info here). Crossroads Residential Services operates other programs in the community in different buildings, including two Men’s Transitional Living Programs (Pathways on Avenue T and U), Bethany Home, and Next Steps CRF Halfway House.
Crossroads Men’s Emergency Shelter
All guests at Crossroads Men’s Emergency Shelter can use the shared lounge, classroom, chapel, multipurpose room, and dining facilities. Guests also have access to a bike storage room, lockers, a safe and cell phone charging station, a laundry room, and nutritious meals cooked and prepared by our Food Services staff. The building is staffed 24/7. Some guests are recommended by the Ministry of Social Services, and some have been recommended by other agencies.
The shelter is open 24 hours a day, and guests can stay in the building during the day. During their stay at Crossroads, guests are highly encouraged to use the resources offered on-site to work on housing barriers and other needs. This is an enhanced housing-focused shelter, and guests are offered case management support within 48 hours of their admittance into the program.
The shelter is wheelchair-accessible and low-barrier, meaning guests are welcome to stay and use our services based on a behaviour-based assessment model. Crossroads doesn't require sobriety from guests to use and access our services and programs.
Guests have access to Housing Caseworkers, Chaplains and Spiritual Care Workers, Nurse Practitioners on-site through the Saskatchewan Health Authority, and a Mobile Planning and Support Specialist with the Ministry of Social Services Income Assistance. They also receive 24/7 support from our front-line staff, including system navigation support. The Caseworkers help develop a case plan with the guest, which may include linking to other community resources like housing, treatment, education, and/or employment.
We operate our shelters following The Salvation Army's Emergency Shelter Operating Principles, which you will find here.
Food Services
Several times a year, Food Services staff carefully prepares a special themed dinner for our guests, such as Valentine’s Day and New Year’s.
Food services pick up donations from different business partners. These donations are shared with other community organizations and are also given to members of the public after our community supper. Food Services provides work placements for students trying to complete Christian leadership hours, individuals recommended to us by partners like the Partners in Employment program, and a placement location for individuals trying to complete community service hours through the John Howard Society and STC. Food Services are also an integral part of emergency disaster response, offering support in disaster situations.
Justice Programs
Next Steps CRF Halfway House
The Next Steps Program offers a transitional housing placement for offenders who, having been sentenced to a term of incarceration, are serving a portion of their sentence under supervision in the community. The men are encouraged to find employment, attend school, attend treatment, or participate in other programming. Clients can access Justice Caseworkers, Chaplains and Spiritual Care Workers on-site and receive 24/7 support from our front-line staff.
Sex-Buyer Accountability Program
The Salvation Army's Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Coordinator, with the support of the Justice Case management team, organize, schedule and runs a Sex Buyer Accountability Program in Saskatoon. The goal is to provide education/understanding around the issue of prostitution in Saskatoon. Men/Women attending the one-day program must be first-time offenders and willing to take responsibility for their behaviour(s).
Spiritual Care
The Salvation Army offers hope to everyone who comes to us for help and support. The desire to share the love of God through Jesus Christ and be a transforming influence in our community motivates us to offer this assistance. At Crossroads Residential Services, we offer pastoral and spiritual services to clients, employees and their families who might find themselves in distress. Our Chaplains are available to support, bring comfort and offer prayer to help people through their times of crisis.
Men’s Transitional Living Programs:
Pathways on Avenue T and Pathways on Avenue U
Pathways on Avenue T and Pathways on Avenue U are two transitional living programs located on Avenue T South and Avenue U South. Both programs provide a safe place for adult men ages 18+ to live and start building a sense of “being at home.” The program’s long-term goal is to support residents in finding resources that will enable them to find affordable, appropriate and permanent housing and develop the community support they need. Pathways on Avenue T is partially staffed with one Direct Support Worker and one full-time Housing Caseworker. Pathways on Avenue U is staffed 24/7 with a team of Direct Support Workers on site. Residents living in the houses have access to their private rooms (fully furnished), laundry room, private bathrooms, and kitchen areas and lounges. They also have access to case management and spiritual care support, volunteering opportunities, gardening and woodworking projects, outings, and support to achieve their goals.
Crossroads Housing Continuum
Acknowledging the need for more in-house support in the community, Crossroads Residential Services has partnered with SHIP to provide case management and wrap-around support to tenants in different apartment buildings (private market and transitional housing).
Through the work of our clinical counsellor, outreach caseworkers, and mobile caseworkers, we aim to assist clients in preventing evictions by providing advocacy, in-house support, transportation, wrap-around services, and community referrals.
You can learn more about this program and its vision by clicking here.
Bethany Home
Bethany Home is a transitional unit for female youth ages 12-18 years. The youth are referred to Bethany Home by their Ministry of Child and Family Services Workers and are normally expected to stay at Bethany Home for a period of 30 days while their worker creates a plan for them to return home or move on to a long-term program in the community. Many of the youth that are referred to Bethany Home are at risk in their own homes or in the community.
While at Bethany Home, the youth are given the opportunity to learn life skills in a structured environment, such as cooking, planning healthy meals, laundry, and personal hygiene. They also have the opportunity to learn to make healthy choices and how to deal with conflict and crisis situations.
Staff at Bethany Home are always available to support the youth at any time of the day or night and assist them with any crisis they may encounter.
“We are committed to accepting people wherever they are in their journeys by providing loving support and a continuum of care as they move from homelessness toward being permanently housed in a safe, secure, healthy environment that is best suited to their needs. At every step of the journey, we will share God’s love with them through our actions and words.”